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Funto has established a relatively sound personnel management system, which provides maximum space and possibilities for the growth of young legal talents.

From the first day of joining Funto, all new lawyers and paralegals will attend an induction training to learn to master Funto's management system, basic business norms, internal information and work record system. After the official start of work, training seminars and workshops by outside experts, our partners and senior lawyers, organized by the administration of Funto, are held throughout the year and are open to all professionals of the firm. Not only that, Funto also provides a special training allowance for practicing lawyers and partners to encourage them to attend valuable trainings and seminars. Through the above-mentioned internal and external seminars, young lawyers and paralegals can keep abreast of the latest professional achievements and cases in the field of IP and related areas, and learn from the insights and experiences of their predecessors and peers in the legal profession.

Funto has established a unified assessment, salary system and promotion system for lawyers and paralegals. In the promotion system of Funto, young lawyers can have the expectation to grow gradually from paralegals to professional lawyers, partners and senior partners. Instead of worrying about income generation and business sources, young lawyers and paralegals can focus on developing their business skills and building up a solid foundation for their future careers to reach the next level.

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Tell us about your knowledge of Funto and the advantages of applying for the position

Job Responsibilities
Recruitment release date Job Details
internship 2020/01/15 Expand
Job Responsibilities

Assist lawyers in handling intellectual property litigation, handling case depositions, filing cases, communication with court clerks, evidence produc

Job Requirements

1、Full-time undergraduate degree in law, intellectual property and other law-related majors.

2、can guarantee the internship period of more than 3 months

3、Work conscientiously, meticulously, patiently and responsibly, able to withstand work pressure and intensity, passionate about the intellectual property industry.

4、good image quality, logical, good communication skills.

5、Skilled use of Office and other office software.

6、With good writing skills.


1、Internship allowance + lunch allowance. For non-Foshan local, dormitory can be provided.

2、Rich training and welfare activities within the Institute.

3、Excellent interns are provided with the opportunity to join Fangtu.

联系电话:Foshan:+86 757-8258 2678 |Guangzhou:+86-20-22291054


法律产品顾问 2020/01/15 Expand
Job Responsibilities

1、 协助合伙人制定法律服务产品的市场销售方案,协助进行市场推广计划 2、 主动建立客户及相关协会沟通渠道、通过多种开拓模式累积目标客户 3、 收集和分析市场数据并定期反馈最新信息 4、 协助律师做好客户市场的维护,管理维护客户关系及客户间的长期战略合作计划 5、 对律所品牌建设与推广工作提出工作建

Job Requirements

1、  本科以上学历,对律师行业有一定了解,具有2年以上的市场营销等相关经验。有知识产权代理公司或知识产权相关协会担任市场营销或客户服务职位者,可放宽学历条件并优先考虑;

2、  适应能力强、性格乐观、积极向上,有较好的沟通及协调能力,具有开拓进取精神,良好的团队合作精神。

3、  具有敏锐的知识产权或者法律市场感知、把握市场动态和市场方向能力。

4、  有交通工具,能熟练驾驶者优先。







联系电话:Foshan:+86 757-8258 2678 |Guangzhou:+86-20-22291054
