Attorney He Jun served as a guest speaker at the "Law in the Bay Area·Integrated Development" foreign-related legal services exchange meeting

来源:本站 时间:2024-02-08 浏览:100

On January 10, the judicial bureaus of Chancheng District, Foshan City, and Futian District, Shenzhen City jointly held the "Law in the Bay Area·Integrated Development" foreign-related legal services exchange meeting, aiming to share and exchange experience in foreign-related legal services and further promote Integrated development of legal services in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with the number of participants reaching more than 50.

During the theme-sharing session, our firms partner, attorney He Jun, as a representative of a local law firm, shared a topic Exploration in Expanding the Foreign-related Legal Service Market of Foshan Law Firm. In the exchange session, He Jun hosted discussions with five senior lawyers to share their respective views and experiences on the core topic of how to promote integration in the Bay Area and facilitate smooth overseas expansion for enterprises. This aimed to contribute to the legal development of the Greater Bay Area by providing valuable suggestions for deepening service industry integration and facilitating enterprise expansion into overseas markets.

The successful exchange meeting not only deepened the legal services cooperation between Chancheng District of Foshan City and Futian District of Shenzhen City but also enhanced the professional level and innovation ability of the entire Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in foreign-related legal services. Through continuous exchanges and cooperation between legal services in both regions, the legal service ecosystem of the Greater Bay Area will be further improved, providing a more solid and efficient legal guarantee for its development."

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