Mrs. Maisy Ling was invited to attend the launch ceremony of "Supporting Enterprises Going Global" brand series of events and the Data Compliance Supply and Demand Matching meeting

来源:本站 时间:2024-07-08 浏览:187

On June 24, 2024, Maisy was invited to attend the launch ceremony and Data Compliancel Supply and Demand Matching meeting of " Supporting Enterprises Going Global" brand series of events with the theme of "Legal-Enterprise Integration for Quality Development" , which was organized by the Foreign-related Legal Service Branch of Guangzhou Lawyers Association.

At the launch ceremony,  Maisy attentively listened to the story of the Foreign-Related Legal Services Division of the Guangzhou Lawyers Association in supporting enterprises going global and she expressed high regard for the division's declaration in supporting enterprisesl expanded internationally.

 At the Data Compliance Supply and Demand Matching  Meeting, speeches and exchanges from leaders and experts also provided profound insights for FUNTO in the field of foreign-related intellectual property legal services.

As a law firm specialized in complicated intellectual property litigation and criminal prosecutions, FUNTO is committed to strengthen the deep integration of foreign-related legal services and supporting enterprises " Going Global". We strives to provide a continuous stream of new quality productivity forces for  domestic enterprises to steadily go abroad!