To achieve the artisanship of innovation and protection, and to walk along with great IP companies.
VisionTo be the most highly regarded IP litigation boutique in South China. To be the most sought-after law firm for IP lawyers
Funto advocates putting aside selfish thoughts and cares, benefiting ourselves with altruism, keeping our promises to one's peers and clients, so that they can absolutely trust and rely on Funto.
Funto persists in communicating in a frank way, constantly self-reflecting on the shortcomings in work, and taking responsibility for any obstacles and difficulties, without evasion or shirking.
For cooperation, FUNTO expects to share with all circles with the concept of openness, inclusiveness and respect, to attract talents with different characteristics, to include different personalities and views, and to respect everyone coming to Funto.
The principle of Funto’s way to people remains being integrity, kindness and Frankness. Never cheat workmates or clients, don’t forget friendship for profit, and turn away from collusion and bribery.
Re service, Funto upholds the values of Dedication, Precision and Keep refining, focusing and sticking to a niche area, and creates unparalleled advantages of service portfolio